Despite the skyrocketing number of private vehicles and trucks clogging highways and the rampantly escalating fuel prices, there are still more than a thousand reasons why you should hop into your car and go for a drive. Generally, no one can contest the notion that driving has always been on a high pedestal and is considered a necessary life skill. In fact, teenagers aged 16 or 17 are even taught by their parents and allowed to drive in some states so long as they pass theoretical and practical tests.
While driving may have its perks in terms of fostering speedier transportation, it definitely also has its pitfalls. One of the most common challenges that beginner drivers experience is highway hypnosis (also called road hypnosis), typically characterized as the trance-like state. What’s alarming about this phenomenon is that inasmuch as you want to flip your head, you cannot recall whether you bothered checking the traffic lights, followed the speed limit, or if you have seen the last few road signs. And if there is anything that officers will recommend to you to resist that hypnosis, then that would be to practice defensive driving.
Defensive driving allows one to reduce the chances of being involved in an accident by consciously staying alert at all times. If you have been hitting the road for ages, then you know that other car drivers tend to drive aggressively, some may follow you too closely, and others can even make sudden turns at the last minute.
To keep yourself and others safe, you must learn how to react almost rapidly to potential problems. To do this, we highly recommend that you do not take any drowsy over-the-counter medications or alcohol before driving. According to a recent study, testosterone supplements are found to affect and improve mental function and energy levels significantly. In this sense, popping one of the natural testosterone supplements from Total Shape at least 30 minutes before you drive can put you in control, especially if you are going on tricky roads like in the ever-busy intersections.
Driving Through Intersections Like A Pro
Buying a new car is easy, but driving it in intersections is another story. Regardless of where you are in the world, intersections remain to be a daunting area, especially for inexperienced drivers. Aside from figuring out the navigational signs, the traffic signals, and turning lanes, you also have to watch out for other crossing vehicles and pedestrians. To safely maneuver your way through intersections like a professional, we have listed a few tips below on how you can stay on top of your game as you hit the eight major types of intersections.
1. Four-way intersections

Source: edriving.com
This is the most common type of intersection found in most countries, and from the name itself, you can expect four traffic signals in front of each lane. Here, all you have to do is to stop at the red light and wait for your chance to pass through once you are presented with the green light.
There is also a variation to the four-way intersection that is controlled only by a stop sign. What makes this a confusing one is that it is hard to identify which cars have the right of way. To make it easier for you, always slow down at first sight of the glaring stop sign and check whether you are the first vehicle that reached the intersection. If you are, then you should be the one who has the right of way. There are also other things that you have to take note of, such as:
- If two vehicles approach the intersection simultaneously, each vehicle must allow the car on its right to go first.
- If there are pedestrians in crosswalks, allow them to pass the intersection before proceeding.
2. T-intersection
This type of intersection is relatively easy to identify since you only have to look at two lanes: the major roadway and the minor roadway. As a pro tip, before you turn right or left, always give way to vehicles or pedestrians traveling on the major street. In fact, you are expected to make a complete stop and check both directions before taking the turn.
3. Y-intersection

Source: wikimedia.org
Not to be confused with the T intersection where the minor road connects to a major road, this three-way junction connects a major road to another one. There are two ways by which you can drive off this without breaking out a sweat.
The first way is to check if there is a stop sign on both roads and if you happen to spot one, you and the other vehicles are required to make a complete stop as soon as you reach the intersection. The first car to reach it will have the right of way. On the other hand, the driver on one road can proceed while the other is expected to look in both directions before maneuvering into the other route.
4. Roundabout
A roundabout is somewhat similar to a four-way intersection, but from the name itself, you can expect to drive around a circle in a counter-clockwise manner. In order to not be intimidated by this, you just have to remember that you have to yield to oncoming traffic as soon as you reach the traffic circle. Turn right immediately and continue to do so until you reach the lane you plan to go to.
5. Fork

Source: illinoisfarmbureau.wordpress.com
Almost the same as the T-intersection, the fork has three types of road: 1 major highway (where you are stemming from) and two minor roads. As a pro tip, it is best to know which of the routes you should take since it can be quite challenging to make a U-turn in these due to their smaller road condition.
6. Turning lanes
Labeled with a bright yellow arrow on the pavement, turning lanes signify that it is safe for drivers to turn left at an intersection. The most newbie mistake here is that some drivers stay in that lane during heavy traffic without any intention of turning. In this sense, it causes traffic since other cars may actually need to use that lane. So as a pro tip, we recommend that if you do not need to use the turning lane, then please do not block it so that other cars can make a turn.
7. Pedestrian crossing

Source: otlablog.com
Pedestrians are vulnerable road users, and this means that you, as a vehicle driver, must respect their crossings by not blocking them despite traffic. As a number one rule, always slow down as you approach this type of crosswalk and yield right of way to people crossing the street.
8. Controlled/ uncontrolled intersections
The controlled intersections refer to roads that rely on traffic signals and stop signages. It is easy to drive through these since all you have to do is spot it and follow whether it is a go or a stop signal. On the other hand, uncontrolled intersections such as those you may encounter in rural areas do not employ these tools. Here, what we can suggest is to proceed slowly and determine the right of way with caution. Depending on the country where you are driving, there are also instances where a traffic guard will give directions, so be sure to check if one is stationed on your road.